Why Can’t I Get It Into My Thick Skull?

On those nights when I “chow down” on a burger and fries for dinner, I should not partake in approximately 3.5 oz of a decadent chocolate fudge cake. Instead, I should treat myself to this favorite dessert (well, it’s one of them, anyway) whenever I eat an entree salad. You know, to help mitigate the guilt. The problem is, I never do. That’s how I end up in this mess!

I thought posting this self-chastisement in digital ink, for all the world to see, would remind me not to mix these highly caloric, fully fatty foods again. But who am I kidding? With my dad convinced he wants to make having a burger in town a weekly occurrence, I’m destined to break this resolution sometime. I have absolutely no will power. Which is probably why I hated Emily Blunt’s “stale donuts” psychology experiment inĀ The Five-Year Engagement. Stupid controls, and an even dumber conclusion.