Time to Shut Down?

I’m seriously thinking of taking off the badge that identifies me as part of WordPress’s “Post A Day” challenge. I feel as if I haven’t written anything of substance for days. (Today, I had wanted to write about the time I spent in the ESOL classroom yesterday, but a video chat with my sister on the West Coast ran too long.) With my new full-time job, I barely have the time and energy to write the one-liners I post, usually about being exhausted or having too much dessert. Worse, I’m afraid that on paper—I mean, in digital ink—my life doesn’t come across as very exciting or frankly very interesting. Thus, while twiddling my thumbs at work today during one of the slowest moments in the store, the thought crossed my mind of shutting down or at least putting on hiatus The Rumination Refinery. I honestly don’t know what to do.